Robbie Williams is stuck in the Bahamas thanks to a link between himself, a few armed gunmen and the paparazzi. Here's how it all went down: Robbie was photographed by two paparazzi's smoking a large roll-up cigarette on a jet ski at the beach. When his entourage realized the paps were taking photos, they got really pissed and there was a huge confrontation. That same night at about 3AM, three masked gunmen broke into the huts of the paparazzi, held guns to their heads and threatened to kill them. The gunmen stole their cameras, clothes, travel documents and cash. And of course the memory chips inside the cameras. Coincidence?! Police are investigating whether the robbers knew about the fight over the pictures, and are interviewing a number of witnesses, including Robbie. Bahamas police chief Ellsworth Moss insisted Robbie is not a suspect in the crime, but will be questioned as an eyewitness. He said: "We are in the process of speaking to
Robbie Williams. I sent a team of officers from Nassau to the island and I am waiting for them to report back to me. "They are going to speak to everybody who would have been party to whatever may or may not have happened on the beach. From the information we get from him we will know exactly where to move with the investigation." Do you think Robbie's entourage was responsible for the break in? It sounds like it's too big of a coincidence, doesn't it? Tell us your thoughts
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